Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Reflecting On The Semester

Well, it's here - the end of the semester. At points throughout the long, cold winter it seemed to drag on, but now that it's nearly over it seems like the first week of classes was not that long ago. I can definitely say that my knowledge and comfort level with computers has increased. It's the kind of thing where you don't realize how far you've come until you actually stop and reflect on it. Yes, reflect, the dreaded "R" word of the education program. I know way more now about the trends of technology than I did at the beginning of January. The reason I signed up for this class is because I knew I needed to learn more about technology if I was to be "with it" in the classroom. I am very pleased that this class succeeded my expectations. Not only did I learn a lot, but I feel way more confident using computers both for personal and classroom use. Power points no longer seem scary, and I've discovered BlueDot as a great way to keep track of useful websites. I created a WebQuest, posted an online portfolio, and learned where to get free software. I realized that the Internet can be a great collaborative and resource tool when teaching. I feel much more ready to embrace the changes technology will bring to the profession of teaching, instead of fearing them.

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